Corsets & Tight-Lacing: The Hourglass Waistby Crimson LordCopyright © 1999
Corsetry in Europe was introduced in the 15th and 16th centuries. At first the bodies were simply tightly bandaged, but later the bandages were reinforced by small boards about 2 inches wide with strings attached for tight-lacing. As well as this attempt to alter the natural contours of the waist and abdomen, the women were also constrained to place lead plates on their breasts to make them flat-chested, so that it became practically impossible to nurse babies. The practise so severe that women fainted if the constrictions were removed and were forced to keep the apparatus on in bed. Botticelli's women, with their prominent abdomens, owed their shape to tight-lacing. In the 19th century shortly after birth, a leather belt was tied firmly around the baby's waist. When the child's growth snapped the stitches, the belt was replaced by a second, equally tightly sewn. These constrictions gave a disproportionate width to a woman's hips and shoulders, and this became the ideal female form. When the girl married, it was her spouse's privilege to remove the final belt, which he cut off with his dagger on the marriage night. Such was the demand to have the form of an 'ideal woman' that women learned to be ashamed of their full breasts. Many under went an operation as unpleasant and as primitive as the excision of the clitoris. In order to diminish the size of large breasts, incisions were made around the base of the breast and up to the nipple. Since the nipples would be displaced and pulled down under the breast as a result of this 'aesthetic surgery', the nipples are cut out and stitched to a higher position. Naturally the breast loses its functions; its sensitivity and scars remain. Serious Body Modification of Corsets is best explored when one is very young; it gets harder and harder as you get older. It is not something where one can expect immediate results. Some Corset training can be a 7 to 8 year undertaking depending on the results desired. By the way this compression principle can be carried out on other parts of the body if so desired; arms, legs virtually anywhere. The Corset in general, once adjusted too, can become most erotic and enhance sexual experiences. Having sex with an extremely tight-laced corset on is quite an experience as all your internal organs are in a different place. One must develop a great patience and co-operation with nature to get to the point where it feels more normal to be restricted than to be without. If, however, you just have the desire to wear erotic apparel, then please, please go ahead. Nothing more feminine than a woman in all her splendour, tight-laced in a beautiful corset. CRIMSONLORD A Message from CrimsonLord:THE CORSET EXPERIENCE We are currently putting a page together of real life stories relating to corsets and corsetry, including Corsetry as an Extreme Fetish. If you would like to contribute with your story, or tips, hints on buying, wearing or even making Corsets, please email me the details and I will include them on the page. Any pictures to which you own the copyright would also be appreciated.Some Suggested Reading via the BRC and
Corsets and Crinolines by Norah Waugh. (Paperback - December 1990)
Support and Seduction: A History of Corsets and Bras by Beatrice Fontanel, Willard Wood (Translator). (Hardcover - October 1997) |