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What Polyamory Is

By Unknown Author

Polyamory, translated, means "many loves". Briefly, a polyamorous person is one who feels it is natural to romantically love or play with more than one person that He/she considers to be a "spouse," for example. Polyamory is about love, without constraint by the dictates of society, defined only by the parameters that we, as individuals, impose upon it.

What Polyamory Isn't

Polyamory isn't "swinging." The difference between the two is quite simple. In swinging the emphasis is on sex. And while sex is as important to polyamory as it is to monogamy, the true emphasis is the same as that of monogamy: love. Polyamory is not "cheating." It is a relationship structure built on the knowledge and approval of all partners involved. No secret relationships exist in polyamory. Openness, honesty, communication, trust. All the things that are key to a monogamous relationship are vital to polyamory as well. Polyamory is not out to replace monogamy. Just as monogamy doesn't "fit" certain individuals, neither does polyamory. The two practices are not mutually exclusive, nor opposed in any way. Like most things in life, it's a matter of personal choice.

What Do We Get Out Of The Polyamorous Lifestyle?

For us, polyamory is about being a piece of a working whole. Its about a sense of family and belonging. It's about pulling your talents and abilities and learning to accept your own limitations and see beyond them. It's about love and completion. And of course, the icing on this cake is the physical expression of our love for each other in sexual relations.

What we would never in a million years say about our Master to some other slave friend who was not owned by Him, we can say to each other. When one of us is having a rough day, we can gripe and snipe all we need to with those who understand, because we live by common rules, and we all love the Man, He us, and we each other. It's a bulit in support group.

How Is Jealousy Handled?

I can't count the number of times I am asked "Don't you get jealous?" The short answer to that is no. That's also a lie. I get jealous all the time. I get jealous of the computer, I get jealous of work, and I get jealous of sleep. I get jealous over anything that pulls His time and attention away from us. As far as being jealous of the other slaves, there are several very good reasons why that doesn't happen. The first and foremost being that way Master introduces someone new into the household. It is a very gradual process, and it is something we are all included in. Even though all decisions are Masters, He doesn't make it seem like a unilateral decision. He makes it clear to the prospective newbie that he or she must fit into the household. Some part of themselves that will add something to the household that would be tragic to miss.

Master allows us all to chat with the new prospects and get to know them to establish strong ties with them before anyone is moved in. He also makes sure we know and believe our own place is in His heart is completely secure and independent of the new person. Jealousy is caused by insecurity. Master is very careful not to step on our individual insecurities, and He always makes us very aware of those qualities He sees as strengths in each of us. Bottom line, we all know we are uniquely loved and appreciated, and any new love, is merely an enhancement to a wonderful family life.