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Rope Arm Gauntlets

by Rope Fashion

Rope Arm Gauntlet Rope arm gauntlets are purely decorative. Although we’ve considered trying to make cuffs out of them, we haven’t found a good way keep them from tightening up when put under tension.

However, they are just the thing for submissives who are rope sluts, the kind that start to go under when they first feel the touch of the rope. They can wear them all night at parties and constantly have the feeling of rope on their bodies.

The same technique can be used to bind the forearms or calves together, or to make rope corsets.

This style of gauntlets is based on an old nautical technique, called cockscombing or ringbolt hitching, that was used to cover iron ringbolts while providing a decorative appearance.

Step 1: To make an arm gauntlet, begin with about a 30-foot length of 5/16-inch rope. (To bind the forearms or calves together, you will need 40 or 50 feet. To make a rope corset, you need a lot more, maybe a few hundred feet.) Double the rope, wrap the loop around the wrist, run the ends through the loop, and pull it snug. (This is called a lark's head.)
Step 2
Step 2: Bring the ends of the rope under the wrist, and bring them over the top again.
Step 3
Step 3: Bring the long end under the rope from the lark’s head (the one that went under the wrist).
Step 4
Step 4: Make a horizontal loop in the rope, and bring it around the wrist in the opposite direction, coming out underneath the wrist.
Step 5
Step 5: Pull the end through the horizontal loop, so you have two pairs of ropes going through the loop.
Step 6
Step 6: Repeat the procedure until you are almost out of rope. Take the two ends, and pass one of them under a loop. (Exactly how you do this will depend on where you are when you run out of rope.)
Step 7: Tie a square knot with the two ends. The final result looks like this.