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Reverse Parallel Handcuff

by MorTis

Needed: 1 Victim with 2 wrists, 3-6ft of rope. 6+ feet of rope if you want to tie off to an object.

There are several ways to make rope handcuffs, this one is made by using reverse parallel method...

Step 1: place wrist together with 1-2" of space between them.

Step 2: Take your rope, grab the 2 tails, and work your way to the middle to create a fold, called the bight.

Step 3: Now lay the rope over both wrist and let the tails fall down to the ground.

Step 4:: The wrap each of the tails around the wrist to the opposite side, pick one tail to go in front and the other to go back toward the body..

Step 5: Wrap the rope up to the top of the wrists and over and let the rope lay. Now you will have a band of rope 3 widths wide. You can repeat steps 4-5 as many times as you need to give the handcuff depth you want, each time it will add 2 more rope widths to the depth of the handcuffs (i.e.. 3. 5. 7 widths of rope).

Step 6: When correct depth is fished, bring both tails to the center between wrist. And twist them 90 degrees around each other.

Step 7: Now fold the tails over the bands the created the width of the handcuffs. Pull snug on the ropes. Wrap the tails around as many times needed in the style shown in steps 4-5. This will cinch the rope snug to the wrist.

Step 8:: Take the tails and tie a square knot to finish off the reverse parallel handcuffs..

HINT:: If you have extra rope coming off the handcuffs, you can use that to tie to furniture with a half hitch