Arm Binder
By MorTis
A rope Arm Binder is a very easy, and cheap alternative to buying a leather Arm Binder which wan coast several hundred dollars! Plus is will custom fit anyone
you do it too! 30-40' of rope works good for this!
Step 1:
Your going to create what is basically a Texas (chainsaw) handcuff knot. Make a bight in the center of you rope. Pull out 3" out on both sides from the center.
Then make a loop with one half (1), then make a loop (2) on top of that with the other half ( see illustration on side ), it will look like a mastercard logo.
Step 2:
At the same time you want to pull the inside of loop 1 (1i) forward through loop 2, and pull the inside of loop 2 (2i) back through loop 1. And you will get a
double sided slip knot, which look like a part of dragonfly wings.
Step 3:
Place each slip knot created over an arm. Slide the "wings" up to the shoulder like a back pack, and then pull on the tails to tighten then "wings"
around the shoulders
Step 4:
every 2 - 4- inches you need to make a
chain stitch
to make a new set of "wings". To do this, wrap the rope around a hand, make an X, push the rope on top, under the rope on bottom, and tighten the knot.
You will know have a new set of wings! Pull out the wings, and slip them over and then up the arms, then pull on the tails to tighten them up.
Step 5:
Repeat step 4 as many times as you need too till you get down to the wrist. Try to keep the arms in the position you want them to been in when doing this.
Step 6:
when you get to the wrist and done, Make a
half hitch
square knot
around a bunch of rope to finish it off.
Option: If you have to much extra rope left over, just bar wrap it up the spine of the arm binder
If you need to get you victim out of an Arm Binder fast, basically its like a really long backpack, so you can just grab the rope around the shoulders and pull down
to get it off.
Hint 2:
If you want to make it so they cant get out of the Arm Binder, you can tie a piece of rope between the 2 wings at top, over the chest.