Blood PlayNoirSilence729@yahoo.comBlood ... what is so exciting about it?
The main difference between Blood Letting and Blood Drinking is that the focus is more on the blood than the pain, with blood drinking. Let's start with Blood Letting. There are a few people into the BDSM lifestyle who enjoy this sort of play. You wonder why? Well, the word blood by itself can be quite exciting for some... it's a turn-on, it's a fetish and a strong one at that. A person can like this because of the pain they are inflicting, or simply because they like the smell of blood, the texture... or it could be because their partners like the sting of a bite, a cut, a scratch... to the point of bleeding. It falls into the category of Edge Play. You don't do this yourself if you've never experienced it. You need someone to show you, someone to demonstrate. Just the nature of this play, a wrong move or position could create a dangerous, if not, tragic outcome. It is also wise to have a second person standing close, with first aid material... so that the dominant may focus and stay totally focused on the submissive. Often those who are into 'blood sports' don't let it be known, for fear to be called names, freaks, etc. They are no more a freak than anyone else. They just desire something different. Before even thinking of getting into this kind of play, you have to make sure... for YOUR OWN SAFETY and the SAFETY of your partner... that you both be tested for AIDS, Hepatitis C, Lupus, Anemia and other diseases. You would not want to regret your act later... and have remorse and risk destroying your health, your life and someone else's. Use your common sense, like you would, in anything else. Clean whatever sharp object you are thinking of using... use disinfectant, A LOT of it.... such as friction alcohol or the kind. Get some towels and some water for your partner. Have a first aid kid ready, near by, you never know... a mistake is very easily done and could be fatal. Make your safe call. Don't do this alone. Have your safe word ready, as well. Safety first and foremost. It can never be said enough. ~Safe, Sane and Consensual, ALWAYS.~ Sex is a way to share yourself with your partner. For some people, blood letting can also be a part of this sharing experience. Often it is viewed as a more deeply bonding and erotic way to experience the essence of another person. It has to be an entirely consensual experience and perhaps a part of some fantasy role playing. Blood letting is a sensual pleasure in an erotic exchange, it's very powerful... although factors such as curiosity or vampire fantasies may also play a part in this. Sometimes blood is extracted by controlled cutting, or (depending on the inclination of those involved) with teeth or fingernails, for those who are into more "rough" sex or a "primal" experience, if I might call it that. Blood can also be extracted with a syringe (the syringe has to be STERILE, don't share it and throw it away afterwards) and it doesn't work with someone who has a fear of needles, so be vigilant. Some people will try it just to see what it looks like, how it feels, how the blood flows. They will make cuts. These cuts usually be made with razor blades or more crude knives (such as a pocket knife, kitchen knife or makeshift sharp tool). These cuts are usually fairly superficial and made in an easy to hide area such as, the inner arm. Someone who has more experience in this kind of play, might even go for some more erotic and sensual parts of the body. The inner thigh is a highly erotic zone. The neck, chest, the breasts (not recommended, too sensitive...), even the penis... but someone who cuts or scratches the penis has to realize that there are many small veins, and the man could bleed to death from only a small cut (this is not recommended either). Go for a place on the body which is less sensitive and which, when pierced, cut, scratched to the point of bleeding... won't pour out like a fountain. Make sure to carefully clean and take care of the wound you've inflicted once you are done. Some aftercare is definitely needed.
Now, for Blood Drinking, which is commonly known as Vampirism. Blood drinking can be solitary, between two people or in a group. Blood fetishists, are people who are obsessively drawn to the idea of blood-drinking and/or bloodletting, but for whom it isn't an outright felt bodily need. Often it is either an erotic turn-on or a preferred expression of intimacy/bonding (not necessarily erotic). To drink the blood, they often go about the same ways as blood letting. Using sharp objects, teeth, fingernails. The same safety procedures have to be present. Remember, if you drink someone else's blood - you can be seriously hill or catch a disease. Use your own judgment. It's your life we're talking about here... and probably someone else's as well. Although blood fetishists are generally not considered "vampires" within the community, blood fetishism does have a long history of being referred to as "vampirism" in psychiatric literature, newspaper articles, and nonfiction vampire books. Some blood fetishists call themselves "vampires" and others do not. Also, it should be noted that people whose interest in blood has an erotic component can be found all along the spectrum of degree of need/desire for blood, not just at the dabbler end, as is commonly believed in the online community these days. Among sanguinarians, there are some whose craving has an erotic aspect and others whose doesn't. There are some people that are extremists who practice blood letting and blood drinking for entirely different motivations than all of the aforementioned categories. These groups might kill a human or animal to get blood. They might drink it out of a glass. They may offer bloodshed as a religious offering and sacrifice. They may drink or let blood as part of a ceremonial ritual. These extremists often believe that blood is a powerful agent, that it can help one gain immortality. They use it to worship a deity. Blood letting or drinking may rarely also be a motivation for murder. At the very least, they have lost the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality. These groups or individual extremists are very relatively small in number. Their fanaticism or criminal activity lands them in the media spotlight at times, but the destructive groups are not the whole of those who practice blood letting or blood drinking. Remember, an overwhelming majority of people who have engaged in an act of blood letting or drinking, will never come close to this category. Again, BE CAREFUL and be SAFE !!! Created by NoirSilence. Any comments may be sent to |