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This was received from visit Shadowfind-BDSM, and I thought it would be very helpful to post on the site, so here it is:

Two questions were asked at a Fisting Weekend

Two questions were asked at the Fisting Weekend to which I did not have answers. I checked with a friend who is a physician at Howard Brown Health Center in Chicago, and here are the questions and the answers:

1. If an object is "lost" in the anus, and it is NOT causing pain, how long can one safely wait to get medical attention?

The maximum "wait time" should be no longer than 8-12 hours, according to Dr. Tom. While the object may not be causing pain, it can be doing internal damage, like blocking the colon. So, if it hasn't come out in 8-12 hours... go to the Emergency Room; they've seen and heard it all!

2. When the woman is pregnant, how far along in the pregnancy is it still safe for her to be fisted?

According to Dr. Tom, anal fisting is not a problem at any point in the pregnancy. Vaginal fisting, too, is OK - BUT do NOT disturb the cervix. Too vigorous fisting that "bumps" against the cervix can cause the mucous plug that blocks the opening to the cervix to dislodge. (That's a bad thing.)