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  1. Tries with all his heart and soul to follow orders. If he feels he cannot do something he carefully explains it to his owners. BUT if his owners tell him to do it anyway, he just does it no matter what. it is his duty to please them. His owners assume that the slave gets pleasure from serving them in ALL ways, otherwise why would she be there to begin with?
  2. A slave does not complain,
  3. A slave would never, never, does not bitch, does not pout, never tell his owners what does not go around with a long great things he was doing for face. He understands that a them. His owners assume that slave often suffers. He must be because he is a voluntary slave able to find pleasure in that suffering. If he cannot find pleasure in suffering he must give up the whole idea of being a slave, because it is in suffering that the slave can find true joy, true purpose in life, and the truest kind of freedom. In a real Master slave relationship the Master can never know real freedom. Only the slave can know this.
  4. A true slave can take great comfort in knowing that he is ultimately stronger, ultimately more virtuous, ultimately more divine that his master. For in deliberately choosing to experience  fore bearance , in choosing selflessness, in choosing suffering, in choosing service, in choosing absolute devotion, he shows a strength that the vast majority of people can never know.
  5. The true slave understands something which only the select few can understand. THE VERY HIGHEST FORM OF FREEDOM IS TO FREELY CHOOSE NOT TO BE FREE. Only a strong, dedicated, intelligent, prideful person could make that choice.
  6. A slave can be justifiably proud because in many ways he is greater than any master because he is doing what no master can do. He is doing what almost no one can do. He is the supreme example of his kind.
  7. A slave asks for very little, gives very much. He knows that this is contrary to what most people do. In knowing that he is unique, in knowing that he exhibits the most exquisite self control, in knowing that he has overcome the behavior of most people, the true slave learns true peace. By placing his desires below his masters desires, he literally overcomes desire. Only those divine few (almost chosen people) who have overcome desire can know divine peace.
  8. It is strange, but true, that only a true slave in the broadest sense can be divine. His masters must always be profane. They have chosen their roles and he has chosen his. In his quiet strength through suffering HE finds the highest level of ecstatic joy. For joy comes from serving the Goddess not from trying to become the Goddess. Because it has always been that the loneliest of all creation is the Goddess. Why is this so Because only the Goddess has no one to worship.