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On the Qualities in the Gentleman Master

By Viscount Archibald Drake

As confidence is, as it where, the key-stone of society, it must be evident that prevarication in any shape must have a tendency to disturb it and that lying must destroy it altogether. The Gentleman Master who tells a lie to hide a fault, is a mean and skulking coward. And he who tells one in order to perpetrate an injury is a scoundrel. There is another class of men, who make a sinner of the memory and take all opportunities of retailing exaggerated statements of their own doings.

There are vain men, weak and silly withal, who desire to be famous even at the expense of truth. The little dream, how soon they are found out. And how absurd a figure they cut. These persons are extremely tenacious of their own property. That is: their own lies. And you cannot make such a one your enemy than by adopting a story of his as your own. They put me in mind of the unfortunate gentleman who fancied he had swallowed St. Paul’s and went about in fear and trembling lest any one should swallow him!

Truth, my fellow Gentleman Masters, and nothing but the truth. Truth only can carry you through the world respected and beloved by all - first and foremost by the object of your education.

Sobriety - A debauched life is fruitful in ills to the body and the mind. The monitor - Conscience - is not to be lulled. Let the mere man of pleasure assert what he may and a broken down constitution and a wasted fortune are poor returns for what once deemed pleasure, but is past away for ever. The pleasure and well-being of the Gentleman Master shall come from sobriety and self control. From the subtle art in knowing that no more is to be harvested than has been invested and from the knowledge that he who harvests too soon and more than he needs, shall end up with barren and dry land.

Amusements - These are, in great measure, indicatory of the Gentleman Master or the blackguard. Be therefore careful in their selection. All amusements that require outdoor exercise are particularly recommended. The classic Victorian Gentleman Master would be praised for such activities as hunting, riding on horse back or forestry. In modern times such noble activities are no longer an option for most, however swimming and walking are highly recommended for the modern day Gentleman Master. However, please refrain from such hideous activities as running and sweating through public parks. One does preserve his dignity. And there is - of course - no greater recommendation than dancing. There are, of course, various other amusements a Gentleman Master may enjoy; common prudence will teach you what to avoid, your good sense and natural taste will dictate what to enjoy, recollecting, that giddy mirth and frivolous nonsense are alike ungentlemanly.

Cleanliness - A Gentleman Master should be exquisitely clean, in dress, in person and in his mind. His linen should be without a stain. His cleanliness and good mental and physical health are the basis of the health and well-being of his trainee. She, his slave, is his protégée - his health and cleanliness her first line of protection. Absence of cant - Cant expressions are an indilutable mark of vulgarity.

Dignity - Dignity of men, and spirit to repel injuries, are essential to the Gentleman Master and are very distinct from pride, which is shocking and repulsive at all times.

Inspection Gentleness - Gentleness is not incompatible with either the former qualities or your status as the Lord and Master of your slave’s life, body and soul and is always captivating. Let it not, however, sink into imbecile softness, fawning or flattery or you will descend inevitably below standard.

Diligence - This is the road to success - and I am persuaded there would be few blockheads in the world if men were more generally diligent. It is astonishing how much we might acquire or perform in the hours that are devoted to listlessness.

Duty - Whatever may be the routine which in our peculiar situation it compromises, duty must either be performed with diligence - or be a mere apology!

Bear in mind, dear fellow Gentleman Masters, that your behavior and character are your most powerful tools in the education of the female. To her you are the role model - the statue that she can look up to, the anchor she needs, the shoulder to support, the lap to let her tears flow after failure and punishment. Your cane and crop - when handled with care and great skill - may touch her soul, but not nearly as deep and lasting as your personality and character will.