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By Unknown

A true Dominant understands that control is the building block of their life.

DOMINANT: Commanding, controlling or prevailing over all others... overlooking and commanding from a superior elevation... of relating to or exerting ecological dominance... being the more effective or predominant one in action... of relating to, or exerting genetic dominance.

DOMINANT, PREDOMINANT, PARAMOUNT, PREPONDERANT, SOVEREIGN... superior to ALL others in power, influence or importance.

Slowly through the darkness the shape moves lithely. Its bright eyes slowly scan the darkness. The power of its musculature and it's vicious ability to kill warns others away. He is the lord of night. None dare to cross him. He is the Dominant creature.

This describes a Dominant in the BDSM community very well. They have the predatory evaluation of the roaming beast. Always watching and thinking. An element of detached emotional response. You will seldom find one who is given to outbursts or raging temperaments. Violent mood swings, raging temper, or physical outbursts are indicators of flaws or an internal struggle with their own fear or weakness. A true Dominant understands that control is the building block of their life. Control and attention to detail are probably the two most important character traits a Dominant can have.

What creates a Dominant though? Again we look to the genetic structure of the individual. We have to understand the genetic structure in order to peer into the human psyche. It is all mapped in the genetic structure, visible and yet ignored. These clues tend to be uncomfortable and tend to lead uncomfortably to unmistakable conclusions. To see that though we have to go back through time and look at mankind as a whole.

The dominant is the Beast, Warlord, Emperor, King, Dictator or Despot. Capable of standing atop the crushed mangled bodies of others in the pursuance of his or her objective. The dominant was the individual, who had the ability and willpower to overcome or conquer others. Some lead through fear, with hatred, threats and pain to control those within their realm. Some use their physical attributes to over power those they plan to lead. These are inconsequential though to the most dangerous Dominant of all. The Creature that leads through intellect, intuition and focused will. It is the mental manipulator, the one who coerces those to follow him, willfully or not.