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Discipline Etiquette

Source: POWERotics Private Dungeon

A frequently asked question: is there such a thing as discipline etiquette? The answer of course is: yes, there is, if you want there to be any. Is there such a thing as Victorian discipline and punishment etiquette? no, not in the sense that there is an etiquette book or a set of simple rules. But by going through habits, school punishment routines and requirements it is not entirely impossible to come up with a set of etiquette that - in total or partial - might be very useful. So, here we go.

  1. The disciplinarian is chivalrous and every inch a gentlemen. While of course there is nothing against some personal joy, his first and prime objective should be the education and character improvement of his trainee, pupil, slave or sub - whichever description is the most appropriate. While punishment should be punishments in the sense that they may very well be fierce, the physical and mental well being of the "punishee" should be his prior goal and no punishment should ever bring about permanent physical or mental harm, but instead should be aimed at character-building. At n point should the disciplinarian execute a punishment for the sole purpose of finding joy in inflicting pain or humiliation.
  2. Rules should be clear and punishments should be fair. A disciplinarian should be highly self-critical and make sure there are no two or more explanations for the same rule. Rules should be enforced strict but just - an unenforced rule is no rule. Punishments should reflect the nature of the offense. In other words, if the offense is a mild one, there is no need for a very severe or strict punishment. Neither should punishments be irrational or executed out of impulse or anger. At all times, during sentencing and execution, the disciplinarian should be self-controlled.
  3. A "punishee" can only flourish and the punishment will only have effect if both the reason for the punishment and the punishment itself are clearly understood by the "punishee". As long as the offense is not understood or not recognized as an offense, explanation and teaching will prevail punishment. For this reason the "punishee" should verbally acknowledge she understands the punishment as well as her offense and teaching should always accompany punishment.
  4. The "punishee" should, prior to the execution of punishment, make sure she is well-bathed and dressed according to punishment regulations. Dressing may incorporate such things as a specific uniform, dress or punishment dress as well as specific shoes, socks or stockings, underwear and hairdo.
  5. The "punishee" should inform the disciplinarian prior to the beginning of the punishment procedure about any circumstance, that may have an influence on her ability to receive the designated punishment without unnecessary physical consequences, such as specific health related problems, a mental burden or any other incapacity. Should she fail to do so, the results of that will be entirely her own fault.
  6. During the entire punishment sequence the punishee should not speak unless spoken to or asked a question, she should gracefully accept whatever will be asked, obey instantly and in general undertake every effort to accept the punishment in style and with dignity. In more specific terms: she should maintain any position required, no matter how hard or difficult, keep her clothing in tact; respect the disciplinarian in word and gesture as well as respect the instrument(s) of punishment, bring them, store them after punishment and maintain them in between punishments; make an effort to accept the punishment as a lady and try and suppress cries of pain and tears as much as possible; present her buttocks for punishment and expose them gracefully afterwards for inspection, humiliation as well as proper care.
  7. The "punishee" should gracefully and thankfully accept the effects and results of a punishment, even if these incorporate pain and discomfort afterwards. The use of painkillers or instruments to relief after pain is considered an act of cowardess and unworthy to a good slave, unless specifically indicated by the disciplinarian.