Gives you a bump when your bullet is empty.
Holds your hand when you're really rolling hard.
Buys you cranberry juice when you're in a K-hole.
Doesn't mind pouring water down your back when you G out.
Hallucinates that you're there when you aren't.
Reminds you of who you are when you've forgotten your name.
Stays with you so can find your way out of that darn bathroom
stall that was so easy to get into but so complicated to get out of.
Goes out of their way to fill your water bottle when you're really feeling it and can't leave the dance floor, or find the stairs, for that matter.
Will chase your water bottle cap across the floor.
Holds your water bottle when either you or your hands are full.
Carries you out of the club if you start to fall out (or do fall out).
Who helps you find a tissue so you can clear out your nose.
Helps you release with the pressure, the pressure, the pressure of the world.
Smiles for you when they are sad you dropped your blow pop or bullet.
Helps you become a better dancer and most importantly loves you even when the X wears off!
Doesn't bitch when you've asked for gum the 8,946th time.
Tells you when you're really tweaked.
Was the first to explain the difference between the letters X and K.
Stands by your side no matter how FREAKY your costume looks.
Can always get those blasted microscopic baggies open.
Will shove AAA backup batteries in his socks for your laser pen.
Tells you when your little glow-stick routine is tired.
Introduces you to a friend on the dance floor.
Doesn't try to introduce you to half-a-dozen friends on the dance floor.
Doesn't hold a grudge if you disappear with his new "friend".
Will split his last piece of gum with you.
Will split his last piece of gum - that's in his mouth - with you.
Tells you if your sunglasses have left black marks on your face.
Can speak "sketch" with you . . . fluently.
Apologizes for you when you blind someone with your mini mag lights.
Apologizes for you when you smash some suckers' toe with your jacked-up platforms.
Apologizes for you when you smack strangers with extensions from your outfit.
Doesn't take your vials when you're "out".
Will go to the bathroom with you even during his favorite song.
Tries to find you to say "goodbye" when he's leaving.
Doesn't make you feel stupid when you start walking up to everyone, saying "I love you. I love you."